
Eight in 10 KiwiSavers expect no human rights abusers or tax-dodgers in their funds

28th Oct. 2019

The latest survey by Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) and Mindful Money shows 83 per cent of investors expect their KiwiSaver or other investments to be invested responsibly and ethically as a matter of course, and for the first time that included avoiding companies that didn't pay their fair share of tax.

By Rob Stock in Stuff 28 October 2019

New issues raised in the survey showed that many investors wanted their KiwiSaver funds not to invest in companies that didn't pay their fair share of tax (89 percent said it was either "somewhat important", "important", or "very important"), social media companies that breached privacy standards (86 per cent), and companies involved in predatory lending (86 per cent).

Link: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/116995176/eight-in-10-kiwisavers-expect-no-human-rights-abusers-or-taxdodgers-in-their-funds