Progress on the Carbon Transition
9th Feb. 2023
A core issue for investors is the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The financial risks of this transition were outlined by the research think tank, Carbon Tracker Initiative in 2011 in their report ‘Unburnable Carbon’.
A core issue for investors is the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The financial risks of this transition were outlined by the research think tank, Carbon Tracker Initiative in 2011 in their report ‘Unburnable Carbon’.
Their projections were hugely influential, including introducing the term ‘stranded assets’ to describe the infrastructure that becomes worthless as the fossil fuel sector declines, and highlighting the associated financial risks.
Mark Campanale, the founder and CEO of Carbon Tracker Initiative has contributed a video to provide an update on their latest research. The findings were discussed by our investment panel including David Lewis, founder of Novus Consulting and Jessica Cairns Head of ESG and Sustainability at Alphinity Investment Management.
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