
Modern Slavery and the investment response

16th Feb. 2022

This seminar will discuss the response to modern slavery through the work of trade unions, businesses and investors, at a time when there are growing calls for the New Zealand government to legislate

Modern Slavery and the investment response

Modern slavery refers to different forms of institutional slavery that still occurs in societies around the world, including Aotearoa New Zealand.

It deprives around 40 million people worldwide of freedom and human rights and leads to massive suffering, particularly amongst women and girls.

This seminar will discuss the response to modern slavery through the work of trade unions, businesses and investors, at a time when there are growing calls for the New Zealand government to legislate

We will be talking with:

  • Anne-Maree O’Connor, Head of Responsible Investment for the New Zealand Superannuation Fund
  • Kiri Hannifin, General Manager Sustainability for Countdown Supermarkets
  • Edward Miller, Researcher at FIRST Union, and spokesperson for It's Our Future