We are thrilled to announce the finalists for our fourth annual Ethical and Impact Investment Awards across eight categories.
These awards recognise outstanding investors and individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting sustainability and impact through their investment practices.
The finalists were selected by a panel of 25 independent and expert judges from a highly competitive pool of entries.
This year, we have expanded the categories to include private capital, venture capital, and asset-owning institutions, in addition to investment fund managers. We have also introduced a new 'People's Choice: Best Ethical Fund Provider Award' in honor of the late Rod Oram, who was a champion of sustainability.
The ethical investment market continues to grow and mature in New Zealand. Ethical and responsible investment has become a requirement for sound investment management. However, there is a huge variation in what that means in practice. These awards not only celebrate the leaders but also demonstrate what high standards of ethical investment look like in a sector that has few regulatory standards. The awards show that the public have more choice and higher ethical standards, backed by stronger evidence and authenticity, than in previous years.

The finalists in each category are:
Best Ethical KiwiSaver Provider (sponsored by Public Trust):
Generate KiwiSaver
Medical Assurance Society (MAS)
Pathfinder Asset Management
Best Ethical Investor:
Climate Venture Capital Fund
Harbour Asset Management
Pathfinder Asset Management
Best New Ethical or Impact Fund:
Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders Fund
Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders Fund
Devon Artesian Green and Sustainable Bond Fund
Best Impact Investment Fund:
Climate Venture Capital Fund
Purpose Capital Impact Fund
Best Net Zero and Climate Action Investor (sponsored by Morningstar Sustainalytics):
Climate Venture Capital Fund
Guardians of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund
Best Ethical Overseas Fund:
Australian Ethical Australian Shares Fund
Pengana WHEB Impact Fund
Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Sustainability Fund
Best Ethical Financial Adviser:
Ethical Investing NZ
Evergreen Advice
Moneyworks NZ
Best Media Reporting on Ethical Investment:
Eloise Gibson, RNZ/Stuff
Greg Hurrell, BusinessDesk
Steven Moe, Seeds podcast
Will Mace, NBR
Conference & Awards
Prior to the awards ceremony, we will host a conference focused on mainstreaming impact investment in New Zealand on June 12th at the Maritime Room, Princes Wharf, Auckland CBD. The conference will feature a keynote speech by Dylan Lawrence from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and two panel discussions on Mobilising Investment for Homes and Ramping up Investment in Renewables.
Limited tickets are still available here
Mindful Money has secured generous support for the awards ceremony from Public Trust and Sustainalytics, and contributions from Australian Ethical, Bay Trust, Convergence Partners, Craigs Investment Partners, Milford Asset Management and Stewart Investors.