
Fund Referral

  • Fill in the form below and you'll be linked to the application form of your chosen fund provider.
  • When you refer to an ethical fund from this website, your new fund provider gives us a small fee, which contributes to our costs.
  • Joining a fund is easy and quick.

You're being referred to:

Mercer Responsible Trans-Tasman Shares Fund

The fund is a diversified portfolio of predominantly New Zealand shares across a range of industries and sectors. The portfolio may also invest in Australian shares. The fund is managed to specific ‘sustainable investment’ criteria which prohibits investments in certain companies or activities, and encourages investment in companies with strong environmental, social and governance factors and also actively engages on key thematic engagements each year. This fund has additional exclusions applied as described in our Sustainable Investment Policy and has been certified by the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia (RIAA). The fund aims to provide a Gross Return above the return of the S&P/NZX 50 Index (on a gross basis and including imputation credits) over a rolling three year period.

Mercer is one of the world’s leading firms for superannuation, investments and workforce consulting, with over 25,000 colleagues worldwide helping build brighter futures for our customers and clients. Mercer has been helping Kiwis save for their best possible retirement for over 60 years. Our team of investment experts search the globe to find some of the best and most diverse investments to help maximise KiwiSaver returns and we invest responsibly.

Please use the same name and email address as you will use on the fund application form.

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Please note: Before investing, consider your investment aims, your values and your risk preferences. You should read the Product Disclosure Statement for the investment fund carefully. It contains the fund's investment objectives, risks, fees and other information which you should know before investing. This website has a list of the advisers that are registered with the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia. You should contact an investment adviser before investing if you have questions or if you are unclear about the implications of your investment decision.